TheRedLedger: Is there a time frame for when you have to do your mission work?
Nathan Thorley: I depart for Brazil on August 7th and will not return for 2 years.
TRL: Where are you going for your mission? Did you have any input on that?
NT: I have been called to serve in Maceio, Brazil. I first enter what is called a Missionary Training Center. This is where I will learn the do’s and don’t’s of the culture, along with learning the language, which in my case, is Portuguese.
TRL: Going someplace where English is not the 1st language can be tough, how will you handle the language barrier?
NT: This is a safe environment to become familiar with Brazil while still becoming comfortable with Missionary Life. After that, I begin my service as a Missionary by teaching door-to-door and serving in church organizations already established there.
TRL: How hard will it be to leave your friends and family?
NT: I know this is a sacrifice, but I know that the worth of souls is of far greater importance than my own endeavors.
TRL: How does talking to people work? Can you have contact with outsiders like your family?
NT: As far as contact goes, I will be blessed to contact my family with a phone call on Mother’s Day and Christmas. Otherwise, there are the weekly letters/emails.
TRL: What do you hope to get out of this trip?
NT: There is nothing of more benefit in my life, for both myself and the people of Brazil, than for me to spread the news of a living Christ and the truths of his Gospel.
TRL: You have been very musical in the past? will that also play a roll?
NT: Music is one of my passions. Who knows if this will play a roll in my service. If the opportunity arrives, I would absolutely use the power of music to uplift the people of Brazil.