Pages of short stories are turned, paper scratches at the desks of the silent classroom. The whispers suddenly begin “Parker…, I’ll take Nick…What about Alex?”. Whispers of death and morbid plotting signify that you have entered A World Beyond.
“It’s not just the topic of the class, we make it that way,” junior Hayley Hunt said. “We’re all just fascinated with death I think, we’re all strange.”
The English elective is a class for discussing fantastical worlds, and throughout the semester class, the handful of students have put their imagination to a different task- plotting who they would take out in their fictional retelling of the class.
“Definitely the people and the topics we discuss triggers the conversations,” sophomore Melissa Sayeed said. “The people in the class have weird minds. The stories have a lot of death in them.”
Although weird can be taken in a negative connotation, the students in A World Beyond believe living in their own world is the way it should be. Discussions between classmates often take a turn for the morbid with laughter stemming from the ridiculous and unrealistic plots against friends in the class.
“It’s almost a requirement of the class to be weird,” Hunt said. “I feel like the people who are weird are kind of the best people.”
As a class of only ten, it is easy to keep everyone involved in a discussion. Each student has become a strong member of the class, and the morbid conversations have brought out different sides of each person, allowing everyone to relax.
“Cool people take this class,” Hunt said. “They have interesting discussions and think about weird things.”