Since the high school opened, there has been only one dance director, Fela Lowrance, but this year, there was a new addition to the dance family. Rachel Gilbreath, previously dance director at Plano ISD, landed the job of secondary director for the Majestics and new Studio Dance teacher at the high school.
When Lowrance applied for the job as Secondary Coordinator for Fine Arts, she knew that juggling two positions would be quite the challenge.
“The time required for this position would not work with my full teaching schedule, so we knew that a second dance teacher would have to come in to support our dance department,” Lowrance said.
Though this new addition to the dance family made some members of the teams nervous, Gilbreath has been welcomed and well-liked by her students.
”Her excitement for the dance department is very uplifting and really pumps up the whole team, plus it is really nice to see a new face here,” senior Nicole Andrews said. “I think she will really aid to the success of our team this year.”
Adding to the excitement radiating from the dance students, Gilbreath herself was quite optimistic to make such a drastic change to the department.
“I was nervous for myself coming in because it had been awhile since I had been in the classroom, but not necessarily for having another teacher at Lovejoy because I think that benefits the program,” Gilbreath said.